Caloundra 9 and 12 mile – big cod, tuskfish, school and spanish mackerel, moses perch, squire, grey morwong and grassy sweetlip.
Caloundra wide – snapper, pearl perch, gold spot wrasse and amberjack
Barwon banks – pearl perch, snapper, rosy job fish, trevally, fusilier and tusk fish
Murphy’s and the gneerings– trevally, moses perch, hussar, tusk fish, squire and school mackerel
Noosa – snapper, pearl perch, gold spot wrasse and amberjack.
Weather for the weekend looks amazing, if you are thinking of heading out we have a few spots left for a full day (9 hour trip) Saturday and a couple Sunday afternoon 5 hour trip. Like us on Facebook to keep up to date with catches and special deals.